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Главная/Excursions to Curonian Spit

Excursions to Curonian Spit

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One day Trip to Curonian Spit and Vacation in the Kaliningrad Region. How to get to Curonian Spit in Kaliningrad. 
If you are planning a trip to Russia then  Don't miss to visit  the most western city of Russia, which is Kaliningrad. And the most popular attraction in Kaliningrad is the Curonian Spit. You may need a visa for a vacation in Russia, but when you have one you can easily travel to Kaliningrad from Moscow, St Petersburg or other big cities by plane or train.
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For visitors to Kaliningrad we organize excursions to Curonian Spit which we call "One day Trip to Curonian Spit".
The Curonian Spit is a treasure we are proud of because it is a real jewel of the Kaliningrad region, a visit that leaves an indelible impression on you and gives the opportunity to take unique photos for real photographers and amateurs as well.

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Curonian Spit is UNESCO World Heritage Site, home to the great sand drifting dunes. It is a unique and vulnerable, sandy and wooded cultural landscape on a coastal spit. The average height of the sand dunes is about 35 meters, but some are around 60 meters. There is only 1 single road which traverses the Curonian Spit.
One day Tour to Curonian Spit is held for small groups of up to 7 people, accompanied by an individual guide. The comfortable 9 seaters air-conditioned minibus Volkswagen Crafter with TV, cosy seats, individual tables. If there are fewer tourists in the group, the trip will take place in a comfortable minivan or SUV, depending on the number of people in the group.
a_tour_to_curonian_spit_alt= comfortable_bus

The duration of the excursion to the Curonian Spit is 7-8 hours. During all that time You will be enjoying the fresh pine air, take pictures, watch beautiful places and be surprised to find out how amazing energy of the Curonian Spit helps to get rid of stress and restore your inner zen and energy.
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a_tour_to_curonian_spit alt= swan
And while walking along the paths laid in the shade of a pine forest, you will meet with the sea and the Gulf of moving sand dunes, dancing forest.Kurshakaja Kosa 5  a_tour_to_curonian_spit alt= gull lake
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These small hiking forest trails to the main local attractions - The Dancing Forest, Dune Efa, height Muller, Swan Lake is the most interesting tours of the Curonian Spit. You'll learn why trees are dancing in the dance forest, how many moved dune over the past 50 years, the lake was formed in the sand, and other interesting facts. 

In the old days, people climbed through such a ring formed from the trunk of a pine tree and made a wish. 
Kurshakaja Kosa 3  
Of all the animals living on the Curonian Spit, we most often meet the fox. She is already used to being close to people.
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If during a tour of the Curonian Spit to stop in towns forest, marine or Rybachy located on the shores of the sea and the bay, you will enchant the smells of smoked fish. Here you will find numerous stalls, local folk art of amber and juniper. Here are the Museum of spit and ornithological station. 
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During the excursion along the Curonian Spit we will have time to look for amber on the seashore or to buy ready-made amber souvenirs from local craftsmen.
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Speed on the Curonian Spit is limited up to 60 km/hour, because suddenly the road may cross the local animals; foxes, wild boars and roe deer.tour_to_curonian_spit_wild_pigs_on_road alt= excursion_to_curonian_spit_kings_forest  
The Curonian spit is 98 km long and divided in two equal parts, one of it belongs to Lithuania and another to Russian Federation. The average width of the Curonian Spit is about 2 kilometers, but there are sections as wide as 350 meters and 4 kilometers. The Lithuanian side of the Curonian spit has more tourist attractions, whereas the Russian side of the Curonian spit is more nature friendly, with wild forest reserves and bird watching stations. 

Sea, bay, unique air, nature and energy of the Curonian Spit, all of these factors in a complex rejuvenate, strengthen sleep and relieve stress. In general, it give us what we have lacked in modern life, a feeling of fullness of life in harmony with nature.

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Our price for a tour to Curonian Spit 2024
Individual tour for 1 person- 90 eur
2 persons: 70 eur x 2 = totally 140 eur
3 persons: 60 eur x 3 = totally 180 eur
4 persons: 50 eur x 4 = totally 200 eur
5 persons: 45 eur x 5 = totally 225 eur
6 persons: 40 eur x 6 = totally 240 eur
7 persons: 35 eur x 7 = totally 245 eur

Price includes:

*Excursion to the Curonian Spit in a comfortable car. We'll  visit to the whole Сuronian Spit, including Korolevsky Bor, height / dune Efa, where you can see the sea on one side and the bay on the other, Muller’s height, Dancing Forest, Chaika Lake. We will also go for a walk along the wild coast of the Baltic Sea where, after the storm, you can find pieces of real amber.

*Environmental fee at the entrance to the national park,  

*Work of an english/espanol speaking tour guide who leads groupe of visitors to national park Curonian spit, a guide who loves his land and his work

*Transfer from your hotel or the airport to the Curonian Spit and back to the hotel or airport

*In addition to Curonian Spit, we visit the resort town of Zelenogradsk, where we will have a one-hour walking tour and visit the German fort No. 3 built in 1879

*Bus Kurshskaja kosa-Magnit  designer souvenir magnet Curonian Spit as a gift.

We will be very HAPPY to see you among our clients !!

Starting time of excursions to Curonian Spit about 9.00 (it could be changed for your convenience, also during the hot summer season we can start the tour early to avoid getting stuck in traffic jams).

Ending time of excursions to Curonian Spit about 16-17.00. It may depend on how many photos you are going to take.

If you are interested, book a tour via WhatsApp.
 strelka Whatsapp                                            
Knopka WhatsApp redesign stereo 

or by phone +7 911 483-75-73 
also you could send an e-mail to east-wing@mail.ru.


Your call is important to us, please stay on the line or send a message! we may show visitors around at the moment.


 As it would be a long tour, there will be time in the schedule to visit a café. If you wish, you can take along some sandwiches with you on the road.

If you want to buy souvenirs or smoked fish, take care of the cash - in tents the sellers do not always accept cards.

Tours to Curonian Spit run 7 days a week. Only pay attention to the fact that on sunny sommer weekends you can face a staying lines. All Kaliningradians having a car, motorcycle, bicycle try to get to this unique piece of nature in order to recuperate after intense working week.





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